Mysterious Mind

That mind is abashed…. illogical, lost, but exultant,
Mysteriously slithering, removed from reality,
Sickening, every move acted wrong,
Hoping to please, but oh no.

Maybe not, hope may arise,
A lost cause looks at hope, although blind,
Envisions nothing, recoils as before, again,
Hoping to please, but oh no.

Why has this occurred, oh why?
Will that mind ever learn? What to do
When this occurs, What may happen?
Hoping to please, but oh no.

Behaving wrong, not behaving, acting,
Hoping to please those who don’t care,
Damaging oneself, hurting oneself,
Hoping to please, but oh no.

Should we aid these lost souls,
Why should we? They are lost.
Euphoric thoughts never exist,
Hoping to please, but oh no.

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