Lewis Carroll started the story with a regular girl. Then, that girl Alice sees a rabbit in a waistcoat, and follows hi down a  hole. Then, I stopped. It definitely made me want to read more. So, I picked the book up again and didn't stop reading until I had to.

At first Alice is in a huge, boring, and plain house.  Then, when she falls into the hole she end up in a weird circular corridor with varying doors.Finally, she is in this peculiar wonderland. Regular climate just strange creatures.

I am going to describe Mock Turtle. He talks very slowly, weirdly, and sadly. He acts very depressed. Weeping, crying the bwhole nine yards. He doesn't move much, but when he does he's graceful, but choppy.

I like bthe words Mock Turtle. It appealed to me because it's a turtle, but they are mocking. Alice mocks  him in a way  to make it appear as if hewas dumb , and abnormal. Also, because this I love turtles!

It is important to the story because it took place in a real world it could have been as interesting as it is in Wonderland. In real life there are no griffons. It would make her seem mad at nothing. If you changed the setting it wouldn't seem like Wonderland.
They helped me visualise the setting's climate, and to make it sound more like Earth. The illustration of Duchess helped me visualize thow the character is. Like party of the Earth but, changed in akward ways. That is how it helped me.


In the story Secret Garden there is a humongous villa like house.Inside there are more than one-hundred luxurious rooms. On the outside there are cute little servant vegetable gardens. Then, there is a secret garden in which there are beautiful flowers and other things are growing. Next, there is a ginormous wall protecting this garden. After that, there are rolling hills into the distance.

In Secret Garden they are being narrated omnisciently. I say that because it doesn't just show you one person's point of view.  Sometimes it will talk about Mary and her thoughts, then it may talk about Colin. My final thought is that it is omniscient, but it focuses on Mary a lot.

 I think that Colin dealt with his problems very poorly. I think that even though that everyone says he is going to die he shouldn't believe it. He should try to become strong. Push himself past his limit. Yet, he sat around crying a fit and ordering around. That is why  i think he did a poor job.

I think this story would happen. It has no magic, nor unicorns or levitating people. The book is set in a manor in a real country(England) at a real time. The way the acted was humane, the way they felt was humane. So yes I think this story could really happen.

I think the author of this story found insparation in her life. I thnk that she found it in her life. I think that she was maybe  talking about her childhood. I think that because this story could very much come true. People can die and Doctors can be wrong.So I think this could very well be a true story.

Yes , I have met a person  like Mary. Her name was Tristan. In the beginning she was very mean and sour. Once,we got to know each other she started to change and was very sweet. Also, very eager to see me.That is how a character from Secret Garden is like one of my friends.

1) From what point of view is the story told?
    The story  is narrated  by Isabel. The book always possesses her thoughts and actions. If it were an omniscient it would have told us what madam was thinking when she slapped Isabel, or when Curzon fights on the battlefield.That is why it is from Isabel’s perspective.

2) How do the characters change during the story? Why?
    A lot of the characters change during the story. Some of them are Curzon and  Isabel.Curzon at the beginning was a very quiet, trying to help without anyone noticing kind of guy. Then  he started to say his opinions quietly and still help people. Finally, he grew into his shell and became a rebel like he was talking about, very loud about his opinions, and still nice as can be.Isabel started out as a very nice homesick girl and very obedient.Then, she turned into a loud,brave,courteous, and an outspoken girl.That is how characters change during this story.

3) What part of the story did you like best? Why?
    My favorite part of this book was when Isabel sang Ruth the lullaby. I loved it because it taught me Isabel’s true amount of love trying to make Ruth happy with nothing but a voice. It was very heartwarming to read in a book about a girl’s cruel and ugly world.It also made me think Isabel wasn’t selfish or mean to her sister.That was my favorite part of the book and why.

4) What would you change in the story?
     I would change the fact that the heir to the house in Rhode Island was mean to them and didn’t let Isabel “see” her mother our give their old mistress a proper burial I would change that because it was cruel, and wouldn’t affect the story. Also,the time where Madame’s friend tells her she saw Isabel talking to a rebelI I would change that because, it only made Madame more angry and gave her less respect if she even had some .That's what I would change if I were the writer.

5) Where do you think the author got the idea for the study?
    I think the author got the story from reading some revolutionary fiction books.  Some of those books may have been Hatchet, or Sophia’s war.She could’ve read the book and then thought about making one herself . She also could have dreamt about it.That’s how I think she found an idea.

6) Are there any characters that could be removed without affecting the story? If so, who are they?
    Yes, some characters could be removed without affecting the story.Some include Grandfather and Gold Buttons. Grandfather just helps Isabell get water and talk about the King. Gold Buttons is just a greedy loyalist who is in it for the money, but runs away.Those are some characters that could be removed and why.